Hogwarts RP 2010
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Welcome Message -- please read

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Welcome Message -- please read Empty Welcome Message -- please read

Post  Artemis Weasley Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:57 pm

The History of Magic classroom is a circular room that is located on the Ground Floor in classroom five. The first years file in and stare with wonder at the massive shelves that line the walls with books. The ceiling of the room is a massive dome that is covered in an ancient world map, many places have multiple listings of names.

The desks are placed haphazardly through out the room, but all are facing toward the center where -- at a lecturn -- a blond woman stands. She wears a wrinkled grey robes and a pointed hat that looked as if it had been squashed and attemptedly readjusted to its normal shape.

<Artemis Weasley> Welcome to my class. My name is Professor Weasley, but since our headmistress is also named Professor Weasley you may call me Professor Wickham. In my classroom, I will expect you all to act like mature adults. If you choose not to, then you will be disciplined accordingly.

The history of magic is a vastly interesting and complicated subject. Our history interwines much with that of the muggles since we share the same world, although many people will speak of us as if we come from a completely different world. In order for you to live within either the magical part of the muggle part of the world, you must have a comprehension of the blunders and successes of both worlds. Therefore, out curriculum will include how each topic we discuss affected muggles and wizards alike. I expect you all to take this course seriously and do all of the course work assigned.

In return for your hard-work, I will try my hardest to incorporate activities that make the subject matter more interesting for all of you. I don't have all of the specifics on what I plan yet, and I may often play it by ear. With each topic, though, I will ask a challenging question. The first pupil to answr the question correctly will earn points for his or her house. The amount of points that each question is worth will be announced when the question is annouced. The amount of point will vary based upon the degree of difficulty of the questions.

I will up-date this thread each time that I add a new routine to our subject, and I will put an announcement in the title whenever there is a new up-date. Please follow along with the up-dates in order to stave off confusion.

I am new to this post, and I am learning just as much as all of you are, so I can understand if any of you are confused. If you have any questions about the class in general, please as them in the question thread that I have stickied in the HoM class forum. I will post each question and its answer in the main post, so please look through the questions already asked to see if yours has already been answered.

Thank you all for your patience throughout my speech, and I look forward to the year we have ahead of us.

Edit 09/16/08 -- I will sticky each current lesson. Everytime that I post a new lesson, I will unsticky the last lesson.
Artemis Weasley
Artemis Weasley
Head of House

Number of posts : 48
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-09-06

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