Hogwarts RP 2010
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Verity Thomas

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Verity Thomas Empty Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:20 am

Verity was born in Britain on July 26th 1979 and raised alone by her mother, Emily, knowing only about her nameless father that he was a good man, not around because of You-Know-Who. Her mother, though always polite and friendly to the people who lived in the town not far from their country home, never seemed to have any close friends, a sad peculiarity emphasised by the fact that she had no living relatives but her daughter. In 1990 Verity received her letter from Hogwarts, she was sorted into Gryffindor and went on to make many friends, though none particularly close, achieving rather good marks with little effort. At the end of her sixth year she finally learnt who her father was. She returned home to find her mother stricken with grief, Verity didn't know what to make of it because it seemed like, for the past couple of years, she had been happier than Verity could ever remember. Evidently, something made even odder by the fact that the rest of the wizarding world was quite the opposite, what with that mass murderer breaking out of Azkaban and suspicion of You-Know-Who being back. Nevertheless she couldn't help reflecting this new happiness she saw in her mother and on seeing her looking so miserable had a right to know what was really going on, after all she was very soon to be of age. When confronted Emily seemed slightly glad, as if she had been awaiting the opportunity, she sat her daughter down and spoke the words she had kept quiet for so many years. She told her daughter about her school years in Australia, having heard about the amazing Hogwarts, of the little wizarding communities and ancient families she became obsessed with the idea of living their one day and after finishing her studies left for London to stay at The Leaky Cauldron, an inn at the entrance to the infamous Diagon Alley that a friend of hers had told her about. Though Verity had heard all this before she let her mother talk without interruption because she had always suspected their had been more to the story. Her mother went on, though she seemed elsewhere, gone back in time to relive all the the shock and joy at the wonderful sights and the wizards and witches she met, one of which, a year into her travels was Sirius Black. Verity had squealed at this, remembering the name of the wizard who had escaped from Azkaban three years ago, but her mother, though she had stopped talking, didn't seem to notice. Verity's brain went into overdrive trying to remember every thing she had ever read about him or had heard her mother say under the cover of him being nameless. Her mother had insisted on him being a good man, who Verity had assumed dead all this time, but now realised when her mother said he wasn't around, she wasn't trying to sugar-coat his death, but the fact that he was in prison! But she had thought he was innocent, how could she? There were so many witnesses to what he had done. She had to know what her mother knew, but before she could speak her mother continued, her eyes now watery. Still in her distant voice she told Verity about how he had helped her get to Godric's Hollow, a famous wizarding village she had read about and was trying to find exactly where it was. With You-Know-Who gaining power every day, she said, people were becoming less helpful and more and more suspicious and she was contemplating just going back home, until she met him. He walked straight up to her, standing in the middle of Diagon Alley and asked her for her name, she obliged instantly, she couldn't help it, he was just so confident and charming, not to mention ruggedly handsome. Verity giggled and her mother smiled at her for the first time since the start of the story and continued, still. Sirius had soon convinced her to let him take her to the village, saying he had friends who lived there and could give her a tour. They flew on his motorbike, something she wouldn't have usually done, considering she was almost positive it was illegal and not to mention the fact that she had only just met him, but she just couldn't say no to that smile. Once they had arrived in Godric's Hollow, Sirius sent a patronus to his friends who soon met them in a little pub. James was just as confident as Sirius, though, it has to be said, not quite as good looking and Lily was positively beaming and quickly told her about their plans to wed. They were the most friendly people she had met on her whole journey and welcomed her so warmly when she began dating Sirius, and later secretly wed. She and Sirius thought it best to keep it secret in those dark days, after all, she was a muggle-born and the fewer people who knew about her the safer she would be if she had to hide, something Sirius insisted on planning for, his heritage and work with the Order did put them at risk. A risk that became too great for Sirius, who couldn't bare to see her hurt because of him, he sent her home to Australia to hide. When it's all over, I'll find you, he told her, and we'll start a family. She went home, and no later than a month afterwards, she realised she was pregnant. She wanted to write, she would've gone back! But she had sworn to him that she wouldn't, lest one of them be found. Now Verity knew what happened next but listened on. Her mother, teary-eyed again raises her voice to say the familiar words of how when Verity was almost three they went back to Britain, having received the news of The Boy Who Lived having somehow defeated You-Know-Who. The only friends she had their had been brutally killed, her beloved husband had been sent to Azkaban for something she knew in her heart he couldn't have done, what was she to do? So she moved into a little house on the outskirts of Godric's Hollow, kept her head down, continued using her maiden name and quietly, safely raised her daughter, Sirius Black's secret daughter. Verity returned to her last year of school and shocked all of her teachers with a passion to achieve all that they had known she could, though she did seem quieter than before. She graduated from Hogwarts in 1997 with six N.E.W.T.'s in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Astronomy, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and not surprisingly Transfiguration because, somehow in-between the massive amounts of work required to do so well, she became a registered Animagus, taking the form of a huge, scruffy, pure white dog. Not a month after Professor Dumbledore's funeral, she and her mother fled to Australia for a year, rightly suspecting that they were no longer safe in Britain now that he, the only wizard You-Know-Who had feared, had been killed. It was no too soon because You-Know-Who's following and power grew frighteningly fast until finally he was somehow killed. On returning to Britain Verity began working full-time at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes where she had worked during the holidays before her final year at Hogwarts and was soon close friends with Abigail, Arabella, Fred and George, though she did sometimes accidentally call them Mr. Weasley & Mr. Weasley out of habit. Verity was soon putting her extensive Transfiguration knowledge to use helping Fred and George produce their more outlandish products, which meant she was making enough money to live comfortably and save some for when she would be earning considerably less, wanting to eventually pursue a teaching career. In 2001 she met Dean Thomas at one of the annual Dumbledore's Army reunions, which she was dragged along to by the twins. They spent the evening talking about being on the run from You-Know-Who back in the day and quickly hit it off, marrying three years later. A month ago, Verity approached the Hogwarts Headmistress and asked to be the new Transfiguration Professor, she was successful.

Last edited by teacakes on Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:48 am; edited 3 times in total


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Mildred Hallows Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:39 am

wow emily... wow that was amazing.

Mildred Hallows
Head of House

Number of posts : 184
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-09-06


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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:29 pm

Lol why thank you, not too long? Like my whole me/Sirius thing? It was freaken hard to work within all the dates so that Verity was born a year earlier and all that jazz. Her working for the twins was a stroke of genius I reckon. I was just like where should she work, wait, what was the name of the chick who worked for the twins in HBP? Verity! Perfect name.


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Kevin Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:24 pm

that was epic

Number of posts : 72
Age : 33
Location : Santa Rosa, CA
Registration date : 2008-09-07

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Abigail Weasley Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:41 pm

Oooh, Emily, I love it!
Abigail Weasley
Abigail Weasley

Number of posts : 18
Age : 43
Registration date : 2008-09-06

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:03 am

Lol I could write an entire fan fiction devoted to me hooking in with Sirius.


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Artemis Weasley Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:45 am

This is a really great story Emily, but I'm a little bit confused!

You said that Verity (I love that name BTW!) was sorted into Gryffindor like her mother. Later on, though, you said that Emily didn't even go to London until she had finished her studies . . .

She told her daughter about her school years in Australia, having heard about the amazing Hogwarts, of the little wizarding communities and ancient families she became obsessed with the idea of living their one day and after finishing her studies left for London to stay at The Leaky Cauldron, an inn at the entrance to the infamous Diagon Alley that a friend of hers had told her about.

How could Emily have been in Gryffindor?
Artemis Weasley
Artemis Weasley
Head of House

Number of posts : 48
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-09-06

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:48 am

Oh right, cheers for reminding me, at first her mum was gonna have come over but then I decided it would fit in better if hardly anyone even knew she existed.


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Artemis Weasley Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:53 pm

teacakes wrote:Oh right, cheers for reminding me, at first her mum was gonna have come over but then I decided it would fit in better if hardly anyone even knew she existed.

LOL, Ok . . . It's good to know that I'm not crazy. I kept rereading those two parts to see if I was missing something. I love that she came from Australia. I was actually going to make my character go to school in America, but Ravvy made me HoH (which I love), so I didn't think it would be right for her to have not been a Gryffindor.
Artemis Weasley
Artemis Weasley
Head of House

Number of posts : 48
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-09-06

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:59 am



Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Mildred Hallows Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:42 am


Mildred Hallows
Head of House

Number of posts : 184
Age : 46
Registration date : 2008-09-06


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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:25 am

Lol why thank you, the cloak is the Grim Reapers haha, I couldn't find any other.


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  Artemis Weasley Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:18 pm

teacakes wrote:Lol why thank you, the cloak is the Grim Reapers haha, I couldn't find any other.

I was wondering where you got that from! There are Hogwarts robes, but I thought that a teacher would look retarded in them.
Artemis Weasley
Artemis Weasley
Head of House

Number of posts : 48
Age : 39
Registration date : 2008-09-06

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

Post  teacakes Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:09 am

I was exactly the same, I contemplated making one of her as a child but changed my mind.


Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-09-10

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Verity Thomas Empty Re: Verity Thomas

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